4 Essential Tips For Hair Extensions

There are 158.6 million women in the United States, and about 58.7 million of them — over a third — use hair extensions. If you’re thinking hair extensions might be right for you, there are a few things you should know before you start scouting out hair extension salons in Beverly Hills.
Keep Lifestyle In Mind
First of all, you should know that there are three different options you can get from a hair extensions salon: clip-in extensions, tape extensions, and keratin extensions. The type you should choose depends on your day-to-day lifestyle.
Clip-in extensions are the most popular among people new to the world of hair extensions. They’re basically barrettes with hair attached to them, and they can be clipped in and removed again whenever you like. This makes them very user-friendly, but not the most natural. You can usually buy these at the front of the store though some salons will place them for you.
The second option is tape extensions. These are held in place with a special double-sided tape. The tape used in these extensions is very strong, completely invisible, and undetectable to touch. A single set of tape extensions will last you as long as eight weeks.
Finally, the most advanced option you’ll find at your hair extensions salon are keratin extensions. This involves attaching hair in a high-tech process using keratin as a glue. Keratin extensions are the most like permanent hair, as a single set will last three months or more. You can perform practically any physical activity without accidentally damaging them.
If you lead a fairly active lifestyle and you don’t care to change up your hairstyle that much, keratin hair extensions are probably your best bet. If you like to change your hair color or length often, tape extensions are the way to go for less commitment to any one style.
Be Prepared For Maintenance
You can’t expect to get expensive hair extensions and never have to take care of them. Hair extensions are just like natural hair: they require regular washing and brushing if your hair type allows that.
Tape-in and keratin extensions can be worn in the shower and washed along with your natural hair using a gentle shampoo and conditioner. When you condition your extensions, only apply conditioner from the mid-length down to avoid coming into contact with the bonds.
Your extensions should be mostly dry before you use heat styling tools for a night on the town. Make sure you avoid touching the tape or keratin bonds directly with any styling tools you use. Otherwise, you might find yourself back at your hair extensions salon for adjustments.
You Get What You Pay For
On your first visit to the hair extensions salon, you may be tempted to request synthetic extensions because of their low price. However, you will get what you pay for when it comes to hair extensions.
Synthetic extensions are prone to tangle easily and they have a very high-volume shine that makes them look faker than real hair extensions.
On the other hand, non-virgin hair is a type of real hair extension that has been processed to change its color or texture. However, this type of extension may not be ideal because it gets damaged during processing.
When you pay for hair extensions, the last thing you want is to end up with unnatural-looking hair. Even though it can be tempting to go with a cheaper option, this is an area where you should definitely splurge.
Remove Extensions the Right Way
Some people say that hair extensions cause damage to your natural hair. When removed correctly, there should be no damage to your hair. Be sure to visit your hair extensions salon to ensure these extensions are removed properly when the time comes.
Rely on the skilled stylists at Chaviv Hair to give you the celebrity hair extensions you’ve always wanted. When you’re ready, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us today.